Mr. Sticky's Can Help You Grow Your Fund

General Information

Thank you for your interest in a fundraiser. Please read the following information before placing your call:

  • If calling about engaging our concession trailer, at your location, for a fundraiser, please call Caleb at: 570-494-6597
  • If you want to pick up sticky buns from the bakery:
    • Williamsport 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
    • Lancaster 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)

Types of Fundraisers

  • Place your order for  Mr. Sticky’s REGULAR sticky buns and pick up at the order location
  • Place your order coupons for Mr. Sticky’s REGULAR sticky buns and pick up at the bakery
  • Request a Mr. Sticky’s concession trailer be set up at your site to sell REGULAR sticky buns

Pricing Information

When calling, please have available a contact number, the name of the organization you are representing, your name, and your position within the organization. No pricing will be provided without this information.

  • Upon verification, you will be provided with a fundraiser price for one coupon or one REGULAR sticky bun
  • You may pay with cash or a check to Mr. Sticky’s, Inc.. There will be a $30.00 charge for checks returned for any reason
  • You are responsible for designing your order sheets and setting your price for the sticky buns

Coupon Sales

Coupons are sold to organizations only

  • Contact the bakery in person or by phone at least one day in advance of coupon pick up
    • Williamsport 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
    • Lancaster 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)
  • You may purchase any amount of coupons. We will buy back any coupons not sold.
  • Lost or stolen coupons are your responsibility
  • You may sell coupons that are redeemable for ONE REGULAR STICKY BUN.
  • Coupons may be redeemed at Mr. Sticky’s Williamsport and Lancaster locations. and at trailer locations that are not participating at a fundraiser activity.
  • Please double count the Fundraiser coupons prior to leaving the facility to ensure accuracy. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies after you have left the facility.

Sticky Bun Fundraiser Sales from the Bakery

All sticky bun fundraiser sales from the bakery must be coordinated with:

  • Williamsport: 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
  • Lancaster: 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)


  • To assure our availability, your fundraiser DATE and TIME must be CONFIRMED before you take orders from your customers
  • There is a limit on how many buns may be sold in one day and at what time a given number of buns will be ready for pick up. It may take two days to complete an order if the order exceeds our capacity:• Williamsport – 702 sticky buns in half dozen or dozen boxes
    • Lancaster – 400 sticky buns in single or half dozen boxesIf the order is over our stated capacity, please let us know as soon as possible and we will let you know if we can complete the order in one day.  Orders will be available for pick-up by 2:00 PM unless informed otherwise.
  • Monday, of the week prior to your pick-up date, call to report how many buns have been ordered and how they need to be boxed. If we do not receive a call from you to confirm the particulars of the order by Monday, the week prior, we cannot guarantee that your order will be ready for pick-up the day requested
  • It is your responsibility to pick up the buns at your order location. We do not deliver. We do not add preservatives to our sticky buns, so please deliver them the day you pick them up so customers receive the freshest buns possible
  • Please total your order before you leave the restaurant to verify accuracy. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies once you leave the restaurant.

Still have questions?

  • Williamsport: 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
  • Lancaster: 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)

Concessions Trailer

Mr. Sticky's Sticky Buns

Please call Caleb at 570-494-6597 for your initial fundraiser inquiry involving a concession trailer; and, before you take any orders for your fundraiser you must:

  • Have a DATE for your fundraiser
  • State the HOURS for selling Sticky Buns
  • Provide a drawing of the electrical outlet that will power the trailer
  • Obtain confirmation of your request from Caleb
  • Complete and return the contract immediately

Mr. Sticky’s Trailer requirements

  • The trailers require a hook-up for 220 electric with 30 amp service. Please send us a drawing of the receptacle to determine plug compatibility
  • A water source and connection for a hose is required
  • Restroom facilities available from the time we begin baking until we leave the site

Sticky Bun Concession Trailer Ordering Guidelines

  • We bake only REGULAR sticky buns for fundraisers. Sticky buns may be sold in single containers, half dozen boxes or dozen boxes
  • You must have preorders for at least 700 sticky buns and a potential for walk up customers
  • If you have less than 700 ordered we will NOT bring a concession trailer to your location. The day of the scheduled fundraiser, we will bake and box the sticky buns in Williamsport. You will need to drive to Williamsport to pick up the sticky buns. Since your order will be an exact amount, you will miss the opportunity of selling to walk up customers
  • Any group holding a fundraiser is responsible for cost of water, electrical needs, facility rent, waste or garbage disposal, etc…
  • One week before the event, call to report how many buns are preordered, the number of single, half dozen, or dozen boxes needed, and the time and amount of first pick up

If all conditions are met we can guarantee up to 1800 regular sticky buns in a given day, unless we experience equipment malfunctions. If such a glitch occurs, we will provide you with enough sticky buns to fill your pre-orders as soon as possible, whether that means delivering them to you or having another sticky bun trailer at your event, both of which are not guaranteed for the original date. We will not be held financially responsible to your organization for lost walk-up sales in the event of equipment failure

Fundraiser Concession trailer Guidelines

Selling Sticky Buns

  • You will need start-up money for change
  • You decide what to charge your customers
  • Post a sign that is visible to your customers, listing prices and the name of your organization
  • Provide us with a copy of the sign to post on our concession trailer
  • Our sticky buns do not have added preservatives. Please deliver the same day as baked so your customers have the freshest buns possible

Food Handling

  • You represent our food service company, Mr. Sticky’s, Inc., and therefore you must follow PA ServSafe food regulations. We will remind you of these regulation when necessary
  • You must provide at least 3 workers per shift to put together half-dozen boxes, if needed, carry trays of buns to your boxing area, box buns, scrape extra sticky off trays into YOUR garbage cans , sell buns, return trays to the trailer and perform clean up
  • Wash hands before starting work, after eating, using the restroom, after touching any part of your face, hair, or mouth, Smoking, or touching animals must be done away from the food service area. Wash hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. No person with a contagious illness may be handling food
  • DO NOT touch sticky buns with bare hands, Spatulas and food service gloves will be provided. Licking fingers is never permitted. Wash hands immediately if you forget. Do not eat sticky off trays or spatulas
  • Please keep the following process in mind: a) Use spatulas to box sticky buns; b) scrape extra sticky from trays into YOUR waste can; and, c) return trays back to the trailer as soon as possible
  • Extra sticky may be drizzled down the sides of the sticky buns; however, DO NOT put any extra sticky on top of the sticky buns

Other Duties and Information

  • You must provide your own plastic grocery bags, and forks and napkins if desired
  • You must take care of trash and waste disposal
  • You should pay in cash or check on the day of the event
  • Please submit only one check from your organization
  • Checks from your customers should be made payable to your organization
  • There is a $30.00 charge for returned checks
  • Sticky reserves the right to give complimentary sticky buns (at no charge to you) to Mr. Sticky’s family and friends at the fundraiser

Worker Guidelines

All workers must be informed of these guidelines by the person in charge. Display the following as a reminder:

Your organization is representing Mr. Sticky’s, Inc. and must follow the same PA ServSafe food regulations as our employees. We will remind you when necessary.

Food Handling

Wash your hands before starting work, after eating, using the rest room, after touching any part of your face, hair, or mouth, Smoking or touching animals must be done away from the food service area. Wash hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

  • No person with a contagious illness may be handling food
  • Do NOT touch sticky buns with bare hands. We will provide spatulas and food service gloves. Licking fingers is never permitted. Wash hands immediately if you forget. Do not eat sticky off trays or spatulas
  • Use spatulas to box sticky buns; b) scrape extra sticky from trays into YOUR waste can; and, c) return trays back to the trailer as soon as possible
  • Extra sticky may be drizzled down the sides of the sticky buns. DO NOT put any extra sticky on top of the sticky buns

Prep Work

  • If sticky bun boxes are needed; fold boxes, line with parchment paper
  • Pot holders will be provided to carry hot trays
  • Post a sign to tell who is having this fundraiser and your prices. Provide Mr.Sticky with a copy of the sign for on the trailer
  • Display Mr. Sticky’s schedules, business cards and brochures
    Proceeds from the sale of Mr. Sticky’s shirts and mugs will go to Mr. Sticky’s. Inc.

Have a successful event. Be cheerful, polite, and friendly. Have fun!

Fundraiser Contract

Here you can download our Fundraiser Contract


Download the PDF file by clicking on the download button below. Print it from your computer and fill it out. Scan the filled out form. E-mail it back to us to:


Click on the button below. The contract will open up in a PDF format. Please download the PDF to your computer or hard drive. If you’re not sure how to download the PDF, please watch the video below and follow along.

Mr. Sticky’s Fundraiser Contract
How to Download a PDF

General Information

Thank you for your interest in a fundraiser. Please read the following information before placing your call:

  • If calling about engaging our concession trailer, at your location, for a fundraiser, please call Caleb at: 570-494-6597
  • If you want to pick up sticky buns from the bakery:
    • Williamsport 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
    • Lancaster 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)

Types of Fundraisers

  • Place your order for  Mr. Sticky’s REGULAR sticky buns and pick up at the order location
  • Place your order coupons for Mr. Sticky’s REGULAR sticky buns and pick up at the bakery
  • Request a Mr. Sticky’s concession trailer be set up at your site to sell REGULAR sticky buns

Pricing Information

When calling, please have available a contact number, the name of the organization you are representing, your name, and your position within the organization. No pricing will be provided without this information.

  • Upon verification, you will be provided with a fundraiser price for one coupon or one REGULAR sticky bun
  • You may pay with cash or a check to Mr. Sticky’s, Inc.. There will be a $30.00 charge for checks returned for any reason
  • You are responsible for designing your order sheets and setting your price for the sticky buns

Coupon Sales

Coupons are sold to organizations only

  • Contact the bakery in person or by phone at least one day in advance of coupon pick up
    • Williamsport 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
    • Lancaster 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)
  • You may purchase any amount of coupons. We will buy back any coupons not sold.
  • Lost or stolen coupons are your responsibility
  • You may sell coupons that are redeemable for ONE REGULAR STICKY BUN.
  • Coupons may be redeemed at Mr. Sticky’s Williamsport and Lancaster locations. and at trailer locations that are not participating at a fundraiser activity.
  • Please double count the Fundraiser coupons prior to leaving the facility to ensure accuracy. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies after you have left the facility.

Sticky Bun Fundraiser Sales from the Bakery

All sticky bun fundraiser sales from the bakery must be coordinated with:

  • Williamsport: 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
  • Lancaster: 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)


  • To assure our availability, your fundraiser DATE and TIME must be CONFIRMED before you take orders from your customers
  • There is a limit on how many buns may be sold in one day and at what time a given number of buns will be ready for pick up. It may take two days to complete an order if the order exceeds our capacity:• Williamsport – 702 sticky buns in half dozen or dozen boxes
    • Lancaster – 400 sticky buns in single or half dozen boxesIf the order is over our stated capacity, please let us know as soon as possible and we will let you know if we can complete the order in one day.  Orders will be available for pick-up by 2:00 PM unless informed otherwise.
  • Monday, of the week prior to your pick-up date, call to report how many buns have been ordered and how they need to be boxed. If we do not receive a call from you to confirm the particulars of the order by Monday, the week prior, we cannot guarantee that your order will be ready for pick-up the day requested
  • It is your responsibility to pick up the buns at your order location. We do not deliver. We do not add preservatives to our sticky buns, so please deliver them the day you pick them up so customers receive the freshest buns possible
  • Please total your order before you leave the restaurant to verify accuracy. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies once you leave the restaurant.

Still have questions?

  • Williamsport: 570-567-1166 (Ask for Sarah)
  • Lancaster: 717-413-9229 (Ask for Sharon)
Concession Trailer

Concessions Trailer

Mr. Sticky's Sticky Buns

Please call Caleb at 570-494-6597 for your initial fundraiser inquiry involving a concession trailer; and, before you take any orders for your fundraiser you must:

  • Have a DATE for your fundraiser
  • State the HOURS for selling Sticky Buns
  • Provide a drawing of the electrical outlet that will power the trailer
  • Obtain confirmation of your request from Caleb
  • Complete and return the contract immediately

Mr. Sticky’s Trailer requirements

  • The trailers require a hook-up for 220 electric with 30 amp service. Please send us a drawing of the receptacle to determine plug compatibility
  • A water source and connection for a hose is required
  • Restroom facilities available from the time we begin baking until we leave the site

Sticky Bun Concession Trailer Ordering Guidelines

  • We bake only REGULAR sticky buns for fundraisers. Sticky buns may be sold in single containers, half dozen boxes or dozen boxes
  • You must have preorders for at least 700 sticky buns and a potential for walk up customers
  • If you have less than 700 ordered we will NOT bring a concession trailer to your location. The day of the scheduled fundraiser, we will bake and box the sticky buns in Williamsport. You will need to drive to Williamsport to pick up the sticky buns. Since your order will be an exact amount, you will miss the opportunity of selling to walk up customers
  • Any group holding a fundraiser is responsible for cost of water, electrical needs, facility rent, waste or garbage disposal, etc…
  • One week before the event, call to report how many buns are preordered, the number of single, half dozen, or dozen boxes needed, and the time and amount of first pick up

If all conditions are met we can guarantee up to 1800 regular sticky buns in a given day, unless we experience equipment malfunctions. If such a glitch occurs, we will provide you with enough sticky buns to fill your pre-orders as soon as possible, whether that means delivering them to you or having another sticky bun trailer at your event, both of which are not guaranteed for the original date. We will not be held financially responsible to your organization for lost walk-up sales in the event of equipment failure


Fundraiser Concession trailer Guidelines

Selling Sticky Buns

  • You will need start-up money for change
  • You decide what to charge your customers
  • Post a sign that is visible to your customers, listing prices and the name of your organization
  • Provide us with a copy of the sign to post on our concession trailer
  • Our sticky buns do not have added preservatives. Please deliver the same day as baked so your customers have the freshest buns possible

Food Handling

  • You represent our food service company, Mr. Sticky’s, Inc., and therefore you must follow PA ServSafe food regulations. We will remind you of these regulation when necessary
  • You must provide at least 3 workers per shift to put together half-dozen boxes, if needed, carry trays of buns to your boxing area, box buns, scrape extra sticky off trays into YOUR garbage cans , sell buns, return trays to the trailer and perform clean up
  • Wash hands before starting work, after eating, using the restroom, after touching any part of your face, hair, or mouth, Smoking, or touching animals must be done away from the food service area. Wash hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. No person with a contagious illness may be handling food
  • DO NOT touch sticky buns with bare hands, Spatulas and food service gloves will be provided. Licking fingers is never permitted. Wash hands immediately if you forget. Do not eat sticky off trays or spatulas
  • Please keep the following process in mind: a) Use spatulas to box sticky buns; b) scrape extra sticky from trays into YOUR waste can; and, c) return trays back to the trailer as soon as possible
  • Extra sticky may be drizzled down the sides of the sticky buns; however, DO NOT put any extra sticky on top of the sticky buns

Other Duties and Information

  • You must provide your own plastic grocery bags, and forks and napkins if desired
  • You must take care of trash and waste disposal
  • You should pay in cash or check on the day of the event
  • Please submit only one check from your organization
  • Checks from your customers should be made payable to your organization
  • There is a $30.00 charge for returned checks
  • Sticky reserves the right to give complimentary sticky buns (at no charge to you) to Mr. Sticky’s family and friends at the fundraiser
Worker Info

Worker Guidelines

All workers must be informed of these guidelines by the person in charge. Display the following as a reminder:

Your organization is representing Mr. Sticky’s, Inc. and must follow the same PA ServSafe food regulations as our employees. We will remind you when necessary.

Food Handling

Wash your hands before starting work, after eating, using the rest room, after touching any part of your face, hair, or mouth, Smoking or touching animals must be done away from the food service area. Wash hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

  • No person with a contagious illness may be handling food
  • Do NOT touch sticky buns with bare hands. We will provide spatulas and food service gloves. Licking fingers is never permitted. Wash hands immediately if you forget. Do not eat sticky off trays or spatulas
  • Use spatulas to box sticky buns; b) scrape extra sticky from trays into YOUR waste can; and, c) return trays back to the trailer as soon as possible
  • Extra sticky may be drizzled down the sides of the sticky buns. DO NOT put any extra sticky on top of the sticky buns

Prep Work

  • If sticky bun boxes are needed; fold boxes, line with parchment paper
  • Pot holders will be provided to carry hot trays
  • Post a sign to tell who is having this fundraiser and your prices. Provide Mr.Sticky with a copy of the sign for on the trailer
  • Display Mr. Sticky’s schedules, business cards and brochures
    Proceeds from the sale of Mr. Sticky’s shirts and mugs will go to Mr. Sticky’s. Inc.

Have a successful event. Be cheerful, polite, and friendly. Have fun!


Fundraiser Contract

Here you can download our Fundraiser Contract


Download the PDF file by clicking on the download button below. Print it from your computer and fill it out. Scan the filled out form. E-mail it back to us to:


Click on the button below. The contract will open up in a PDF format. Please download the PDF to your computer or hard drive. If you’re not sure how to download the PDF, please watch the video below and follow along.

Mr. Sticky’s Fundraiser Contract
How to Download a PDF